Possible “Q-Ships” Creation

February 8th, 2023 I’m, and plenty others, await ‘impatiently’ FOR these ‘Vessels’ as actually, ‘GHQ/CinC’ or yet still another DID have theirs in “1:2400th” scale-! These seen-(below) are partial pieces from “A-&-A” ships MADE into “Q-Ship” kind. Their ‘Destroyer’ of this on the RIGHT is much too H-U-G-E-! I do have “1:4800th” scaled ‘DD’s from the “North Cape” ‘Game’ as they are ‘punified’/’minuscule’/quite tinier, while being that , accordingly. So, along with their “German Aircraft Carrier” being TOO ‘Big’, since it was proposed for being built onto a ‘Heavy Cruiser’ HULL, well, that is not even as large of a ‘Battle Cruiser’ sort. Of the latter type, then, ‘XENO’ products for “A-&-A” does contain what is best to represent such. You could even look around ‘Onlines’ for these-? WHENCE you’ve “cut apart” these ‘portions’ you shall need to employ some ‘Emery Board’, and “believe this” THAT there were ‘Diamond Dust Encrusted’ ones, since I’d obtained it for “smoothing out” ‘Pot-Metal Cast’ stuff, way more quickly, if at all-! Certainly, any ‘Lesser Material’ being used shall proceed easier as well were you there having amassed-massive, copious quantity kind required of thus-?

ONE ‘alternative’ quick/cheap method would JUST being they are ‘demarcated’/’denoted’ with a “Q” underneath of a regular ‘Transport’ so, I’m not the least ‘bits’ of “lazy”-defined-!

Published by grognadsusa

50 Years "Wargamer" & NAUGHT one moment 'mongering' WAH! "the HORROR... for such!"

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